

With a deep understanding of water markets and the complex rules that govern them, Progressive Agriculture can assist water market service providers and market participants in this challenging area. Keep an eye out for our market analysis every fortnight in the Progressive Agriculture update.


Andrew previously spent six years providing a range of services to the rice industry, and understands industry structures and services across Australian agriculture. From advocacy, governance, farmer engagement, R&D, media and communications, Progressive Agriculture can help.


Andrew’s 15 years of experience working on government regulation, engagement and political strategy means Progressive Agriculture can assist with a range of government-related challenges. These range from lobbying for policy change, navigating regulations or securing government funding.


With experience in agricultural representation, Andrew understands the dynamics of Australian farm businesses. Progressive Agriculture can assist farm businesses and investors with project management services to achieve their business objectives.



Andrew has communicated effectively in all written formats; everything from media releases, newspaper and magazine articles, member communication, government submissions and complex reports. Progressive Agriculture will make sure your content is right for the audience it reaches.


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